Bob Graham
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Dear Dickie,

Thanks for sorting out the Photo. It was taken behind M Wing in August 1974, a week or so after we joined up. Sorry, I can't remember if we were 2/74 or 3/74 New Entry troop, but we joined on the 18th August under the care and direction of our DI, Sgt Hewling.

Click on picture to see an enlarged view

Can you help us with names?

A few of us thought it would be a good idea to try and trace as many of the original "Nozzers" as possible and have a get together in Deal in August 2004. (Date and venue to be decided) So, if there are any overweight, balding, middle-aged men who recognise themselves in this Photo, please contact me at: or write /phone me at;

2 Willingdon Place,
CT14 7LT

TEL 01304 366941

I look forward to hearing from you.


Bob Graham.

Richard Valentine -1996 - 2008© - All rights reserved