Terry Freestone LRAM (Capt RM, Rtd)

Dear Richard, many thanks for your concern about my faint on Friday morning at Barham Crematorium where I had gone for the funeral of a member of Globe & Laurel Lodge - a former GD marine, not a Bandy.

It was a very hot day and I was first in a pew, so up by the wall, and it seemed increasingly airless. During Eternal Father`s fourth verse I felt it was time for me to sit down, did so, and I`m told the next thing was I slipped sideways during Last Post, causing an alert in my neighbours, who gave me a quick kiss of life and restored me to a more normal colour. An ambulance was summoned, my wife alerted and I was shipped off to Kent & Canterbury Hospital Accident Centre. There I had all the usual ECG, BP & blood tests run and it was confirmed what I`d already suspected - a vasovagal syncope (faint); which are not unknown to me over the past 16 years since I started having cardiac & BP problems. Caused by standing and blood rushing down from the brain, thereby causing unconsciousness. Fortunately, my cardiac specialist at K&CH was present and he confirmed the diagnosis. He wants to see me in eight weeks. I was discharged about 4 hours after admission.

So reports of my demise are unfounded for now, I`m glad to say. I certainly don`t feel ready to take final discharge yet...! Thank you for your concern and I`ll copy this to Ken Tyler also since you alerted him, and perhaps you could copy it on the web-site to calm any worries from shipmates, sincerely yours Terry.


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