West Country Reunion
April 2010 by Pete Westaway

The West Country re-union took place at the China Fleet club Saltash in Cornwall on the 17th of April. It was a great evening and everyone seem to have a great time. Sadly we were down on numbers from last year. The final total being sixty. Six people were unable to attend due to family bereavement and four others for various reasons. Several new faces were there one being Don Peerless who was my opposite number on trombone on the Gambia in 57/58. Dave Waters appeared from Portugal hoping to see an old chum who lived twenty miles away but he did not attend. Steve Swann won the golf tournament and was duly presented with his trophy as the 2010 champion. He has promised to compete again next year.

The evening was officially opened by myself and the toast to absent friends was proposed by my old friend Wally Waters who joined the corp with me in August 1951 he being 2901 and me 2902. Sadly Wally lost his wife this year but bravely proposed a toast and naming all those who had passed over in the last year. Despite the smaller numbers it was a really good evening people seemed to move around and no-one was left standing on their own. I hope next year all those living locally will spare the time from their gigs to come and meet old friends who have travelled the country to talk of the good times.

Next year the WCR will be held on the 9th of April at the China Fleet Club. My advice book your accommodation now, no charge is made. Be assured of a great evening with lots of old friends. My special thanks to Bill Hartland for taking the photos and sending them in for your pleasure.

Cheers Pete.

Photo's courtesy of Bill Hartland

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