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The RMB Reunion 2010
by Adrian Brett

Hello Richard!

I decided it was a bit expensive to take two shows of Lion King off so went down on the 0830 train from Waterloo on Sunday morning. Great weather...21C and sunny as I got off at Pompey Harbour. Took taxi to cathedral and almost at once was approached by Hooky Walker, then Merv Durrant, Jem Tugwood, Laurie Loveless and Paddy Mailey. You would think we had seen each other only yesterday. A few I had not seen for more than 40 years.

Programme scan courtesy of Derek Usher (not in order but just for reference)

All the pieces with cathedral choir and orchestra were excellent including one I did not know...Festival Prelude Op 61 by Richard Strauss which they played last. Huge loud work with organ and I imagine specially orchestrated parts for fanfare trumpets. Very effective, so much so we had forgotten the shortcomings in the string pieces and came out feeling good!!

Dave Hough, (who never changes!!) came up to me as I was leaving the cathedral. At first I did not recognise him as he was bedecked with a chestful of medals which looked as though they had come either out of a cereal packet or, if you remember from your childhood, those chocolate coins we used to get in our Xmas stockings!!! They were evidently for services he supplied when DOM in Oman.

"Where were you 45 years ago today, Adrian?", he enquired.

I was a little nonplussed by this....

"Philadelphia....with me and Mick Hickman!"

Of course he was right and the Philadelphia Trio was immediately formed.....later at the RMA, when we spotted Ken Schooley, it augmented to the Philadelphia Quartet!!

Dave took myself and Mick Hickman up to the RMA and the second church service of the day commenced.

Well, Tony Oliver sought me out immediately and looked after me as per your instructions, though I soon met Sid Tanner (who was in the Plymouth Band when I went down as a soloist for John Ware) and Dave Seed came up and introduced himself so I was in good company for the rest of the day.

After several pleasant hours in the RMA, with an excellent buffet, we mosied on to Wetherspoons having had a group photo taken by John Pring. The early evening was spent in the Ship and Castle round the corner from Victory Barracks....well that is what I recall it was in my day.

This session was very enjoyable as a lot of the girls came along!! I have not been to a reunion since they were allowed to join....amazingly 18 years ago. What great sense of humour they have contracted from us men. I was standing next to a delightful young girl bugler who had clearly injured her foot, talking together with Mick Hickman. When she had to answer a call of nature suddenly she turned to me with a twinkle in her eye;

"Would you mind holding my crutch........ while I am away?", thrusting the surgical appliance into my hand!! Boy did we laugh....

I took the 2132 train back to London after a great day and about 12 pints of good bitter....spread out over several hours so none the worse for wear. I am sure you will get more reports from other attendees and I hope someone puts the photos on the website.

All the best and keep your spirits up.


Flutes: Sid Tanner, Adrian Brett, Dave Seed

Photo's courtesy of Bill Callow

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