Musn Eric Payne

RMBX 3220

To any of you who knew and served with Eric Payne (all of the saxes and violin). He has sadly passed over just 2 days ago. The family are distraught as you may imagine and right on Christmas too! I only spoke with Eric on Wed and said I'll be round for a small Sherry next week!! It's tragic news as he was just getting over has hip operation but otherwise fit! I'd always tell him that he'd be in the over 90's club no bother!!

A great musician and all round good egg was Eric. We've been mates since the mid 60's when we served at HMS Terror and we did many a good gig together out there. Good Times!! I lost touch after I left the service, but we hooked up again when we met in 2006 for the 1st rehearsal of the RMAC Band under the directorship of another old friend Capt Ted Whealing!! We've remained oppo's ever since, and have visited each others houses regularly. He used to baby sit our kids for us in Singers too! (They're 61 and 58 respectively now!!!)

Eric did 15 years with the RMB before leaving to serve another 15 years in the Central Band of the RAF!! He led the sax section in the RMACB and was often called upon to wow the audiences with a solo or two at our gigs.

Eric leaves his devoted wife Sue, Daughter Lauren Gelister, husband and beautiful Grandchild all of whom he was so looking forward to spending some time with at Christmas. Sadly, it's not to be.
RIP Eric old mate!! You're going to be very much missed by all of us!!

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Derek Usher

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