Deceased Sept 23rd/2010
Allan Bulley

For those that may have known him I sadly inform you of the death of "Jan" Bulley. This wonderfully noted athlete, who would have undoubtedly run for England if the war hadn't interrupted competition. He lived in a house a minutes walk from the sea and regularly swam half a mile or so as a daily exercise. Sadly, he had been diagnosed with dementia some time ago and though he and his dear wife, Hilde, had bravely fought the increasing demands of the condition for a couple of years it all became too much for him. He was accorded a remarkable funeral as he was a much loved and respected member of the local business community and of the Catholic Church where he and his wife worshipped. In this tiny little dot on the map of the world we managed to muster three ex.members to honour him.

He was a member of 80 squad which joined in 1942, not many of us left now, the ranks get thinner - and it is imperative that we are all informed of these very sad events.

Please do, if you hear of them, let Richard Valentine know.

Vale * Allan Bulley

Tom Lambert

* Latin (farewell)

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