The Adelaide Reunion 2011
Adelaide Poem 2011

Where do I start was the question I asked - as I sat down to write this again
What about the beginning I said to myself – not forgetting to keep it sane
That’s a good idea, as I started to think – it must be something they relish
When I suddenly I remembered an important fact- it was me and after all I’m Irish.

I remember well being taught Corp History- from a drill instructor full of pride
What are we celebrating next week he did ask- as he paced, from side to side?
I knew the answer and was so proud of myself- as I was only turned 14.
With a smile on my face and a heart full of pride-I told him it was Halloween

Halloween he bellowed, from 30 feet in the air – I wondered what I had done
The Corp Birthday he shouted as he landed at my feet – don’t ever forget it my son
My heart sunk a bit and my pride took a dent - but I forgive him for what I had seen
I knew I was right and despite his response – it really was Halloween

When I passed out, I was sent to Plymouth - to join the Group Band as you do
It did not take long for me to get abroad - off to Italy for the Milan Tattoo
I arrived on time to load the truck and happy to get there early
When the truck departed with my trombone – it was on exercise with the Bersalieri

I was going to a wardroom on board a ship - and was instructed not to touch the handrail
So I walked up the gangway carrying my gear - remembering the advice must be real
When halfway up I heard a splash - and just did not know what to think
I turned around, one man was missing - and the Band Corporal was in the drink

I always had a wonderful time – with fantastic runs ashore
Some I remember, some I forget – and some may have just been a bore
With money scarce, but friends a plenty – we stayed out from dawn to dusk
But no matter how difficult, it ever got - we certainly knew how to busk

I’ve made many friends in Adelaide – I think of them every day
The times together, are something else – the memories will always stay
The laughs, the fun, the barbecue – and don’t forget the beer
It’s very difficult for me to accept – I’m missing Adelaide this year

Enjoy your reunion, as we know you will – forgive our A W O L
We will return, to give you support – with many more tales to tell
We raise our glasses to wish you the best – and toast our friends down below
We give you a promise for two thousand and twelve -to Adelaide we will go

Jackie 'Paddy' Semple - 2011

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